Solo exhibition Romain Van Wissen “Who is in the House” in IKOB – Museum of contemporary art in Eupen


Opening: Sunday, 10th September 2017, 15 h

The exhibition “Who is in the House” is presenting the East Belgian painter Romain Van Wissen in his first solo show at a museum. More than fifty of his paintings as well as three new spectacular installations will be on display at the IKOB. Van Wissen combines realism and abstraction with Pop Art elements. He has advanced to a status as one of the East Belgian / Wallonian artists most in demand. The contents of his paintings derive their strong-willed and mysterious power from sources in art history and popular culture. The opening of the exhibition is scheduled for Sunday, 10 September 2017 at 15:00 h. At 16:30 h as a special event at the vernissage, the internationally acclaimed musician Pierre Bastien will appear at the IKOB, the concert is scheduled in cooperation with the music festival MEAKUSMA.

Romain Van Wissen, “En marche arrière”, Acryl auf Leinwand und Holz, 97x122cm, 2017