Robert Bischof
The Romanian-born sculptor Robert Bischof addresses all human sensitivities in his work with incomparable ease. The humorous but with a certain amount of criticism, the works often show male nudes. The art of Robert Bischof can only be approached by standing in front of it as a feeling observer, and by remaining aware of the unmanageable diversity of mankind. The narrative value of his figures is always figurative, similar to a confidential conversation between two people about human beings. This exchange has no value, Robert Bischof tells us about our earthly existence without judging. The good, the bad, the bad, the warmth, the menace, the eroticism, the pathetic, the smallness – all of our kind, from the grand to the pitiful, seems to be mentioned and perceived. Their faces, facial expressions, gestures and body structure are not aimed at depicting individuals, they are more part of a generalized character or emotion drawing. Here an arm is missing, there is a leg or a sense organ, but nevertheless these beings are equipped with everything they need. Their fragmentary form stands for human imperfection.
Vita Robert BischofStudied in Aachen with Ivo Decovic.
Lives and works in Aachen.
Exhibitions (Selection)
Galerie Freitag 18:30, Aachen
Galerie Freitag 18:30, Aachen
Galerie Freitag 18:30, Aachen
Galerie Freitag 18:30, Aachen
Ostrale – Dresden
Ostrale – Dresden
Ausstellung mit Nikola Dicke und Kai Savelsberg –Freitag 18.30 Aachen
Gruppenausstellung “umgedreht” Galerie Freitag 18.30 Aachen
“Sockelgesellschaften”–Alt Haarener Lagerhausgruppe -Freitag 18.30 Aachen
Miniaturen, Galerie Freitag 18.30 Aachen
Galerie another road – Lichtobjekte – Gent (B)
Kunsttour Maastricht – Maastricht (NL)
Gruppenausstellung “Höhler Biennale” Gera
Einzelausstellung “Lichtzellen” Galerie Freitag 18.30 Aachen
Kloster Den Troost – Vilvorde (B)
Kunstkreuz Berlin – Berlin
Galerie x-bitumen-x – Aachen